Newspaper are important. They are still today. But they are only important if they do a good job. The german newspaper "Die Zeit" is such a newspaper.
There have been times(!) the German newspaper industry was a place where with news money was printed nearly directly. However, times have changed. Today sales of many newspaper in Germany drop. "Die Zeit" is one of the newspaper in Germany that sells more again after a drop at the end at the year 2000. "Die Zeit" was once known as a newspaper only for academics and such. However, that changed.
I am a more technical guy and love to read the weekly edition. One can get the standard paper edition - I like the digital format more. Since I got a Tolino I read the epub of "Die Zeit". The epub of "Die Zeit" can be downloaded from their homepage at Wednesday. There are 643 pages, the epub is indexed. The last is rather important for me. Even if I'd like to read the whole "book", I do not want to afford so much time. I rather love to learn coding and build apps and such. However, one can get also the newspaper as pdf. This is rather large with about 40 Mb compared to 4 Mb epub, but I managed to read this on my mac.
Reading "Die Zeit" you get German news about the world, written by excellent journalists or other people who have an important topic. And this is what I want: I love to read good journalism.
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